
I have made some changes to the Alaska Hub 29332. not because folks could not connect. those changes was made over 2 weeks ago. So far the whole system has been running with no issues what so ever. Those here locally will hear the weather condition for the local area, now with the time announcement. Plus I have switch the CW ID from Morse code to an voice ID. If by chance you run into a problem, Please let me know about it as soon as possible. so that I can take care of it immediately. Look forward to hearing you all on the Alaska Morning Net.

AllStar web site

HamVoip web site

29332 Bubble chart

AllMon – Connected nodes


My AllStar 29332 Live Feed



Please help out the Alaska Morning Net Network Fund with your donations. Donations help purchase used Radios, antenna’s, coax, IRLP cards, URI’s (for AllStar nodes) computers and such. So that we can provide wide coverage in the State as well as keeping the servers running.


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