Net Controllers

If your interested in become a net controller or a backup net controller. Please let us know, Russ WL7LP or Scott N4UPC
This is the weekly schedule of the net controllers doing the net each week.

Monday – Jay – W9JAY

Tuesday – Craig – K5CAP

Wednesday – Irene -G1DTV

Thursday – Douglass – KM4VPG

Friday – Roy – KI7PKL

Saturday – Janette – KI5SSR

Sunday – Roger – K0KON

Backup Net Controllers – Dave (Da Man) – KK7HLD,

Please help out the Alaska Morning Net Network Fund with your donations. Donations help purchase used Radios, antenna’s, coax, IRLP cards, URI’s (for AllStar nodes) computers and such. So that we can provide wide coverage in the State as well as keeping the servers running.



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